The school curriculum offers 2 educational tracks: Conversational and Literacy. Classes are held on Saturday mornings from 9:30am to 12:30pm during the regular school year from September to June
Conversational Track
The Conversational Track focuses on teaching oral Cantonese and the recognition of traditional Chinese characters. This track is suitable for students who do not speak the language or are not very fluent in the language. Students are placed based on the ability to speak Cantonese rather than by age. Dictation and composition are not required. A graduation certificate will be awarded to students who complete the Conversational curriculum track.
會話組 主要教授粵語會話及漢字,適合未能講簡單粵語的學生。分班方法將根據學生會話程度,並非以學生年齡分班。課程不包括背默或寫作。完成課程的同學可獲畢業證書。
Literacy Track
The Literacy Track focuses more on teaching, reading and writing traditional Chinese characters. This track is more suitable for students who can already speak the language. The curriculum includes the learning of Chinese vocabulary and sentence structures. Higher levels include written composition and daily journals. A graduation certificate will be awarded to students who complete the Literacy curriculum track.
語文組 注重教授閱讀及寫漢字,適合能講簡單粵語的學生。低年班課程包括漢字及句子結構,而高年班課程包括作文和寫日記。完成課程的同學可獲畢業證書。
Adult Cantonese
NCS offers two types of Adult Cantonese instruction:
Group Instruction: the group class meets two hours every Saturday. Each lesson will focus on specific topics like travel, the weather, etc.. Students will learn vocabulary, dialogue, tones, and traditional Chinese writing strokes.
One on One Instruction: the student is paired with a teacher for 45 minutes every Saturday. The content of the instructions will be based on the student’s need and level of learning.
小組指導: 小組課程每週六開放兩小時。每節課將重點關注旅行,天氣等特定主題。學生將學習詞語,對話,音調和漢字筆畫。
一對一指導 : 學生每週六與老師一對一 上課一小時。課程的內容將基於學生的需求和學習水平。
Extracurricular Activities
In addition to the academic curriculum, Newton Cantonese School offers many diverse extracurricular activities to students starting from age 6 and up. The extracurricular activity period is from 11:45 am to 12:45 pm. Students can register for the following activities:
除了學術課程外,紐頓粵語中文學校還提供了許多不同的課外活動給六歲以上的學生。課外活動期間上午11:45 am 到 12:45 pm,學生可以報名以下活動: